Aggravated Assault – Arrest: C22-161946

Released: December 16, 2022 at 10:32 a.m.

The Winnipeg Police Service has arrested a male for an assault on a 76-year-old female that is believed to have been unprovoked.

On July 20, 2022, the victim had just exited a business in the 600 block of Sargent Avenue when a male, for unknown reasons, pushed her onto the street and into oncoming traffic. She suffered a serious injury and was transported to a hospital, where she remained for some time.

The Major Crimes Unit, with the assistance of Central District General Patrol members, continued with the investigation and ultimately identified a male suspect.

During the evening of December 15, 2022, the suspect was located at an apartment suite in the Central Park area and taken into custody

Roy Patrick Charlton, a 30-year-old male of Winnipeg, has been charged with:

- Aggravated Assault

He was detained in custody.

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