Carjacking – Arrest: C22:16577

Released: January 24, 2022 at 8 a.m.

On January 24, 2022, just after 2 a.m., the Winnipeg Police Service responded to a carjacking in the 300 block of Pembina Highway. The victim had momentarily left his vehicle running. When the victim returned to his car, an unknown male was sitting in the driver's seat. The suspect produced a knife threatening the victim, then drove off.

Police spotted the vehicle near Osborne Street and Jubilee Avenue and attempted a traffic stop; however, the vehicle failed to stop and continued to flee at a high rate of speed, disregarding traffic signals. Due to road conditions and the manner of the suspect's driving, police did not continue to pursue the vehicle.

The suspect vehicle blew through a red light on Portage Avenue and struck an Eastbound truck causing it to spiral and knock down a light standard. The suspect vehicle subsequently crashed into a snowbank, and the driver exited and ran.

With the assistance of a bystander, police located the suspect nearby and took him into custody. He was turned over to the Major Crimes Unit for follow-up. No injuries were reported during this incident.

A 32-year-old male of Winnipeg is facing the following charges:

- Robbery
- Possess Weapon
- Possess Break In Instruments
- Dangerous Operation of a Conveyance
- Flight While Pursued by Peace Officer
- Fail to Stop at Scene of Accident
- Drive Without an Invalid License
- Drive Suspended

He remains in police custody, with his disposition pending.

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