Residents invited to provide feedback on exotic animals and breed-specific legislation as part of Responsible Pet Ownership By-law Review

Released: January 20, 2022 at 1:12 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB – As part of a second phase of public engagement on the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law, residents are invited to provide input regarding exotic animals and breed-specific legislation.

The bylaw regulates the presence of wild and domesticated animals within Winnipeg to keep both pets and the community safe.

Based on feedback from the first phase, it was determined that additional engagement was required on exotic animals and breed-specific legislation.

A survey is available to gather input on criteria and approaches to regulating exotic animals in Winnipeg, as well as breed-specific legislation. The online survey is open until February 13, 2022. The Animal Services Agency will also continue to meet with stakeholders representing the pet industry and animal welfare organizations to gather feedback directly.

Feedback received will help inform recommendations on exotic animals and breed-specific legislation that will be presented to Council in spring 2022 for its consideration.

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