Commercial Robbery – Investigation: C21-300624

Released: December 29, 2021 at 8 a.m.

On December 28, 2021, at approximately 6:38 p.m., the Winnipeg Police Service received a report that a group of individuals had attended a retail store in the Regent area and stole a significant amount of merchandise. They then fled in a vehicle before police arrival.

It is believed that four individuals (three males and a female) attended inside the store and grabbed a large volume of clothing (estimated to be about $1,500 worth) before fleeing. A staff member attempted to stop the theft and sustained a minor laceration as a result. It is unknown if a weapon was used.

The descriptions of the suspects are as follows:

- Suspect #1: Male, Indigenous in appearance, 35-40 years old, 5’10”-5’11”, average build, black winter jacket, blue medical mask and a dark toque.
- Suspect #2: Male, Indigenous in appearance, 30-40 years old, 6’, average build, black winter jacket with a large red Air Jordan logo on the back.
- Suspect #3: Female, Indigenous in appearance, 30-40 years old, 5’2”, thin build hair in a bun (light brown colour), carrying a red Door Dash bag, with a tattoo on her left wrist (an older tattoo that looked like a cylinder).
- Suspect #4: Male. No other description at this time.

The involved vehicle is believed to be a black-coloured sedan.

It is also believed that the group is responsible for other similar thefts in the area.

This investigation is continuing by members of the Major Crimes Unit. Anyone with information is asked to contact investigators at 204-986-6219 or Crime Stoppers at 204-786-TIPS (8477).

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