Weapons & Drug Offences – Arrests: C21-293971

Released: December 21, 2021 at 8 a.m.

On December 18, 2021, members of the Guns & Gang Unit, with the assistance of the Tactical Support Team and North District officers, executed a Criminal Code search warrant at a residence in the 400 block of Powers Street.

Several people were taken into custody, and a number of items were seized, including the following:

- A loaded sawed-off 12-gauge Mossberg shotgun
- A sawed-off 12-gauge Remington shotgun
- A loaded semi-automatic 7.62 calibre SKS rifle
- A second loaded semi-automatic 7.62 calibre SKS rifle
- Various types of ammunition
- Body Armour

Justin Herbert Crane, a 23-year-old male of Winnipeg, has been charged with:

- Store Firearm or Restricted Weapon Contrary to Regulations (x4)
- Possession of a Prohibited Device or Ammunition Knowing its Possession is Unauthorized (x2)
- Possession of a Firearm Knowing its Possession is Unauthorized (x4)
- Possession of a Loaded Prohibited or Restricted Firearm
- Possession of a Prohibited or Restricted Firearm with Ammunition
- Possession of a Firearm Knowing Serial Number has been Tampered With
- Possession of Firearm, Restricted/Prohibited Weapon or Ammunition Contrary to Prohibition Order (x12)
- Possess body armour without a valid permit or in a manner inconsistent with the valid permit (The Body Armour and Fortified Vehicle Control Act)
- Fail to Comply with Probation Order (x4)

Edward Kenneth Munroe, a 21-year-old male of Winnipeg, has been charged with:

- Store Firearm or Restricted Weapon Contrary to Regulations (x4)
- Possession of a Prohibited Device or Ammunition Knowing its Possession is Unauthorized (x2)
- Possession of a Firearm Knowing its Possession is Unauthorized (x4)
- Possession of a Loaded Prohibited or Restricted Firearm
- Possession of a Prohibited or Restricted Firearm with Ammunition
- Possession of a Firearm Knowing Serial Number has been Tampered With
- Possession of Firearm, Restricted/Prohibited Weapon or Ammunition Contrary to Prohibition Order (x12)
- Possess body armour without a valid permit or in a manner inconsistent with the valid permit (The Body Armour and Fortified Vehicle Control Act)

He was also arrested on the strength of two warrants – one for the apprehension and suspension of his parole/statutory release and another for being unlawfully at large.

Breanna Joyce Lynn Spence, a 27-year-old female of Winnipeg, has been charged with:

- Store Firearm or Restricted Weapon Contrary to Regulations (x2)
- Possession of a Prohibited Device or Ammunition Knowing its Possession is Unauthorized (x2)
- Possession of a Firearm Knowing its Possession is Unauthorized (x4)
- Possession of a Loaded Prohibited or Restricted Firearm
- Possession of a Prohibited or Restricted Firearm with Ammunition
- Possession of Firearm, Restricted/Prohibited Weapon or Ammunition Contrary to Prohibition Order (x4)
- Possession of a Firearm Knowing Serial Number has been Tampered With
- Possess body armour without a valid permit or in a manner inconsistent with the valid permit (The Body Armour and Fortified Vehicle Control Act)
- Fail to Comply with Condition of Release Order (x5)

She was also arrested on the strength of a warrant for failing to attend court on an Appearance Notice.

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