New beachfront entry for paddle-craft at La Barrière Park now open

Released: August 13, 2021 at 11:36 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB – Today, the City of Winnipeg marked the grand opening of a new beachfront boat launch for canoes, kayaks and other non-motorized watercraft at La Barrière Park.

With approval from the Provincial Waterways Regulatory Branch, the project involved excavation at the water’s edge to install cabled concrete mats for a stable base, which was then covered with sand, and extends into the La Salle River for ease of boat launching.

“Years of sinking into mud or jumping off the river bank to launch your canoe or kayak is now just a distant memory," said Councillor Janice Lukes, Waverley West. “The new beachfront entry transforms your entire paddling experience on the enchanting La Salle River.”

“La Barrière Park continues to provide recreational opportunities for all Winnipeggers," said Councillor Markus Chambers, St. Norbert – Seine River. "The addition of cricket pitches and now a canoe and kayak launch are two examples of how sports and recreation offerings at La Barrière Park have expanded as the city continues to grow and diversify.”

Vehicles carrying boats will now be able to enter the park through the main entrance to reach the new boat drop-off area by the former washroom building. A new accessible three-metre-wide gravel path was installed to ensure a safe route from the boat drop-off turn-around at the top of the bank, down to the launch area.

In the coming weeks, Paddle Manitoba along with the City will be renovating and converting the former washroom building, into a storage facility for canoe and paddling gear for their programming.

Paddle Manitoba has been actively promoting paddling at this site for about 25 years, and reached out to the City to discuss the potential for a beachfront entry in La Barrière Park.

Funding for the water access feature, totaling $75,000, was from the capital budget and the Land Dedication Reserve.

La Barrière Park also features extensive nature trails and expansive greenspace, offering a wide variety of outdoor activities for everyone of all ages and abilities to enjoy, including canoeing, kayaking, paddle-boarding, hiking, cycling, disc golf, cricket, and picnicking.

The park is also home to a diverse eco-system, featuring a variety of birds like mallards, pileated woodpeckers, hawks, and eagles, and many aquatic species that can be found along the La Salle River such as snapping turtles, beavers, channel catfish, northern pike, and rock bass.

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