Homicide, No Charges – Arrest: C21-114930

Released: June 11, 2021 at 8 a.m.

As previously released:

On May 21, 2021, at 10:35 a.m., Cadet units were patrolling the Air Canada Window Park area when they were flagged down for a nearby disturbance.

The Cadets subsequently located a severely injured male and began to provide emergency first aid. The male was later transported to hospital in critical condition, where he remains at this time.

Responding officers located a nearby adult male suspect and took him into custody.

Aaron David Woodhouse, a 23-year-old male of Winnipeg, has been charged with:

- Aggravated Assault
- Possession of a Weapon
- Fail to Comply with Condition of Release Order (x2)


On May 23, 2021, the male succumbed to his injuries, and his death was determined to be a homicide. The deceased has been identified as Thomas Earl CAMERON, 30, of Winnipeg.

A Senior Crown Attorney was consulted regarding charging Aaron David WOODHOUSE with criminal charges related to homicide.

After a thorough review, the Crown has advised that no charges will be laid.

It was deemed that what would otherwise be an unlawful act was committed to defend himself, which was considered reasonable under the circumstances.

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