Fraud/Scam – Public Advisory

Released: February 10, 2021 at 8 a.m.

The Winnipeg Police Service continues to receive reports of a targeted scam that is believed to be targeting local phone numbers. A scammer will call a victim purporting to be a criminal investigator, and that money is owed to the Canada Revenue Agency.

During some calls, the victim is then told to dial the Winnipeg Police Service non-emergency line at 204-986-6222 (while the line is still open) to confirm that an investigation is underway. The victim believes they have started a new call, but in reality, the scammer has remained on the line.

At other times, the scammer may use Caller ID spoofing to contact the victim from what fraudulently appears to be the Winnipeg Police Service non-emergency line at 204-986-6222.

The scammer then pretends to be a police officer and attempts to convince the victim to transfer a significant amount of money. Below are some tips that can be used to help avoid these scams:

- Be cautious of any unexpected callers, such as a bank. Take reasonable steps to confirm the identities of people who call.
- The Canada Revenue Agency will never demand immediate payment by Interac e-transfer, bitcoin, prepaid credit cards, or gift cards from retailers such as iTunes, Amazon, or others.
- They will also never use aggressive language or threaten you with arrest or sending the police.
- Do not assume phone numbers appearing on call display screens are accurate.

The Winnipeg Police Service encourages family members or friends to have discussions with their older loved ones to ensure they are not being targeted in this or any other scam.

More information, as well as a tool to report these scams, can be found at the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre:

Constable Jay Murray, Public Information Officer
Constable Dani McKinnon, Public Information Officer
Constable Claude Chancy, Public Information Officer
Kelly Dehn, Manager of Public Affairs

Office: 204-986-3061

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