City asks: How do you get where you’re going?

Released: November 10, 2020 at 12:01 p.m.

Winnipeggers invited to shape the future of Winnipeg’s transportation network

Winnipeg, MB – Planning for the future of Winnipeg’s transportation network is now underway, and residents are being asked to share how they get where they’re going.

Transportation Master Plan: 2050 (TMP2050) is a multi-component study that will provide the long-term vision for transportation in Winnipeg, and the methods and means to move our city and people into the future. Through a combination of technical research, data analysis, and public and stakeholder engagement, TMP2050 will help ensure our transportation system supports quality of life and economic vitality for years to come.

The study will result in an action plan that includes recommendations on challenges and opportunities relating to existing and future: infrastructure; public rights-of-way; public services such as transit, parking, and traffic management; rules and regulations; and human behaviours.

Phase 1 of public engagement seeks to learn more about how Winnipeggers use the transportation network and what they value, and understand how transportation could support a better quality of life for residents.

Engagement opportunities include:

Online panel and workshop

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Where are we going? Hear thoughts on the past, present and future of transportation in Winnipeg from a variety of perspectives. Together, we will reflect on how transportation supports a better quality of life for all Winnipeggers and will begin a discussion about how we can move our city forward.
Register now

Discussion event

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Can’t make it to the virtual event on November 24? Have more to say after attending? Join us for another discussion. Participants will be provided with a digital video recording of the panel discussion to review ahead of this event. We will then welcome participants online for an in-depth discussion reflecting on how transportation can support a better quality of life for all Winnipeggers and how we can move our city forward.
Register now

Online survey and mapping tool

November 10 through December 11, 2020

How do you move around Winnipeg and why? We want to hear more about what you value and why you move the way you do. Visit the maps tab to share the locations of barriers you face when moving through Winnipeg.

Social media visioning

November 10 through December 11, 2020

Share your vision for Winnipeg’s transportation network on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using words, text, photography, drawing, video or anything other means you come up with and use the hashtags #tmp2050 and #gettherewpg.

Discussion Kit

Submissions welcome through December 11, 2020

With in-person discussions limited by COVID-19, we’re inviting Winnipeggers to host virtual, small-group discussions with friends, family, colleagues, and community groups using the discussion kit. Watch the introductory video, work through the planning framework, and watch a recording of the panel discussion (after November 24) to get the ideas flowing. Submit your completed discussion guide to
Download the discussion kit

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