Winnipeg Transit Fall Schedule in effect Sunday, September 6

Released: August 12, 2020 at 11:05 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB – Winnipeg Transit’s Fall Schedule will take effect Sunday, September 6, and is structured to respond to an anticipated increase in ridership while ensuring the safety of our passengers and our bus operators.

Currently, ridership is approximately 50 percent of what it was this time last year, but we expect this number to increase in the fall as schools re-open.

As such, regular weekday service will continue with full service to all elementary, middle, and high schools in the City. However, Express service will see a 15 percent reduction, while post-secondary service will operate in a reduced capacity due largely to the fact most courses are being offered remotely in the fall semester.

“While it’s difficult to accurately predict precisely how many individuals will take Transit this fall, we believe our schedule is well-structured to accommodate more riders while allowing passengers to continue practicing social distancing,” said Greg Ewankiw, Director of Winnipeg Transit. “We will continue to monitor ridership numbers and we will adjust schedules as necessary to ensure we are providing the appropriate level of service.”

As part of earlier planned service efficiencies, the fall schedule will also see permanent changes made, including the elimination of the Downtown Spirit, and the reduction of off-peak service to a number of routes. (PDF, 7.7MB) These changes were approved by Council in March 2020 as part of the 2020 multi-year budget.

Over June and July, Winnipeg Transit welcomed back all of its bus operators who were temporarily laid off. No layoffs are anticipated as a result of the upcoming Fall Schedule.

Passengers are reminded that Winnipeg Transit is recommending the use of non-medical face masks while riding the bus or using Winnipeg Transit Plus. Passengers are also encouraged to maintain a reasonable separation from other persons when possible, use the rear door when exiting if they are able, and avoid using Winnipeg Transit if they are experiencing flu-like symptoms.

Updated schedules and timetables will be available on the Winnipeg Transit website beginning Monday, August 24, 2020.

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