Mayor Bowman to attend Big City Mayor’s Caucus meetings in Ottawa and the Urban Project in Gatineau

Released: February 5, 2020 at 1:38 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB – Later today, Mayor Brian Bowman will be travelling to our nation’s capital region to join Mayors from across Canada for the Big City Mayors’ Caucus (BCMC) meeting in Ottawa as well as the Urban Project in Gatineau.

“The federal government has acknowledged the importance of a greater federal-municipal partnership and with the upcoming federal budget, it is important for the Big City Mayors’ Caucus to be working toward our shared priorities,” said Mayor Bowman. “Cities across Canada need help from other levels of government on public transit, affordable housing and climate action and these will be areas of focus during this week’s meetings.”

The Big City Mayors’ Caucus comprises a regionally representative group of FCM member cities. It meets two to three times a year to prioritize shared issues and to reinforce FCM policy and an advocacy agenda set by the National Board of Directors.

Big city mayors attending the meeting this week will also receive updates on a number of items including the work of the opioid taskforce, mental health and addictions, infrastructure and international trade.

“I will be updating my colleagues on the ongoing challenges we are facing locally with regard to methamphetamines, public safety, addictions and mental health and the actions we’ve taken in response,” said Mayor Bowman.

“The Urban Project meeting in Gatineau will bring together experts and policymakers to discuss urban mobility challenges and focus on optimizing public transit with tangible solutions for growing populations across Canada,” said Mayor Bowman.

The Urban Project is a subset of BCMC that leverages expertise amongst government, private sector and academia to tackle the big challenges facing growing cities. This week’s meeting will be focused on the challenges cities are facing to improve road safety, active transportation and public transit ridership within a municipal funding framework.

“These are incredibly important areas of focus because of the clear benefits to the health of our citizens and the environment,” said Mayor Bowman.

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