Fraud Offences – Arrest: C19-289330

Released: December 13, 2019 at 8 a.m.

Members of the Winnipeg Police Service’s Financial Crimes Unit have arrested an adult female for numerous fraud-related offences.

Between August 2018 and December 2019, several victims in Winnipeg had identity or financial documents stolen during break-ins to residences and vehicles.

The Financial Crimes Unit entered into an investigation and identified a female suspect.

On December 11, 2019, a search warrant was executed at the female’s residence in the Minto neighbourhood. The female was taken into custody and a search of the residence resulted in the seizure of many items including the following:

- Nine credit/debit cards (in names other than the suspect)
- Credit card number information
- Various forged documents/identity cards
- Two counterfeit Canadian bills
- Photocopies of stolen identity documents
- Devices/instruments used for forgery purposes
- A small amount of methamphetamine
- A stolen tablet
- A stolen bicycle
- Stolen identity documents
- A revolver firearm
- Two improvised firing devices (“zip guns”)

Alice Beverly Cameron, a 45-year-old female of Winnipeg, has been charged with:

- Possession of a Loaded Prohibited or Restricted Firearm (x2)
- Careless Storage of Firearm, Weapon, Prohibited Device or Ammunition
- Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm (x3)
- Possession of Scheduled Substance – Methamphetamine
- Possession of Credit Card
- Unauthorized Use of Credit Card Data
- Forgery
- Possession of a Forged Document with Intent
- Identity Theft
- Possession of Instruments to be Used to Commit Forgery
- Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under $5000 (x3)
- Possession of an Identity Document (x6)
- Possession of Counterfeit Money

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