Stolen Vehicle – Arrest: C19-280063

Released: November 30, 2019 at 8 a.m.

On November 29, 2019, at approximately 12:30 p.m. a male suspect stole a Winnipeg Fire Paramedic fire truck. The truck was was parked while the fire crew was attending a call at an apartment in the 1600 block of Henderson Highway. The suspect drove the fire truck southbound down Henderson Highway with emergency lights flashing and the air-horn being regularly activated.

A half-ton truck was driving southbound down Henderson Highway at Donalda Avenue and observed the fire truck approaching from the rear. The driver pulled over to the right to allow the fire truck to pass. The suspect made no attempt to avoid the stopped truck and rear-ended it, propelling the half-ton into a hydro pole, shearing it off. The half-ton was severely damaged but the driver was not injured. The suspect did not stop and continued driving into the downtown area. The downed hydro pole caused power outages into the early evening for area residents and businesses.

An off-duty firefighter observed the collision and saw that the fire truck was not being operated by WFPS personnel and called police.

The firetruck was pursued by numerous Winnipeg Police Service units as it drove through the downtown area, reaching speeds of up to 70kph. For approximately 15 minutes the suspect drove the truck through downtown; he drove through Central Park causing pedestrians to flee, drove against traffic on various one-way streets and drove through numerous red-light intersections. While behind Portage Place the suspect smashed into a traffic bollard and wall causing an estimated $5,000 damage.

WPS officers were able to deploy several tire-deflation devices which eventually rendered the firetruck inoperable at Assiniboine Avenue and Carlton Street. A WPS General Patrol officer deployed a conducted energy weapon (Taser) in order to take the suspect into custody.

Bai Farama KOROMA, 36, has been charged with:
- Theft of Motor Vehicle
- Dangerous Operation of a Conveyance
- Operation of a Conveyance While Impaired by BAC or Drug
- Possession of a Weapon
- Flight While Pursued by Peace Officer
- Fail to Stop at Scene of Accident x 2
- Drive Without Valid Licence (HTA)

Koroma was detained in custody.

Last Update: December 2, 2019

Constable Jay Murray, Public Information Officer
Constable Dani McKinnon, Public Information Officer
Constable Claude Chancy, Public Information Officer
Kelly Dehn, Manager of Public Affairs

Office: 204-986-3061

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