City seeks public input on proposed new transit network design and proposed new routes

Released: October 25, 2019 at 11 a.m.
New network design proposes a shift to a network of frequent transit routes, including several Rapid Transit corridors

Winnipeg, MB – Residents are invited to weigh in on major changes to the transit network in Phase Two of public engagement on the Winnipeg Transit Master Plan.

Winnipeg’s transit needs to change to move the most people where they want to go, quickly and reliably. To make transit more efficient, frequent, and reliable, we are proposing a new transit network and proposed new routes, based on what we heard in the first phase of public engagement and what we learned from analyzing how Winnipeggers travel around the city.

The proposed new network emphasizes frequent, reliable transit on major streets throughout Winnipeg, and includes several rapid transit corridors as the backbone of the transit system. This includes a recommended alignment for the Eastern Rapid Transit Corridor through the Point Douglas neighbourhood.

In this phase of public engagement, we want to hear from Winnipeggers about what they think of the proposed new network and proposed new routes to help inform the draft plan to be presented to Council for its consideration. There are several ways to get involved, including community conversations, drop-in events, workshops, and an online survey.

Work on the Transit Master Plan will continue throughout the year, with an anticipated completion date in 2020.

For more information on the Winnipeg Transit Master Plan and how you can get involved and provide feedback, please visit:

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