Over 1,700 tonnes of storm-related wood debris collected

Released: October 24, 2019 at 11:30 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB – Cleanup operations continue following the October storm event. Crews continue to clear and remove downed trees and fallen branches, aided by contractors and crews from other Canadian municipalities.

As of October 22, 2019, the City collected an estimated 1,774 tonnes of storm-related wood debris at its 4R Winnipeg Depots, Brady Road Resource Management Facility, and the Summit Road Landfill.

“We’ve seen considerably more traffic at our designated disposal sites since the October storm event,” said Michael Gordichuk, the City’s Manager of Solid Waste. “We’ve had over 12,000 visits by residential customers dropping off storm-related wood debris at the 4R Winnipeg Depots and the landfill sites. We want to thank all the residents who have, and continue to safely deposit storm-related wood debris at one of the City’s designated sites.”

The storm-related wood debris currently being collected and deposited at these sites will be processed and beneficially reused. One such use involves chipping and grinding the wood waste into chips and mixing it with biosolids and street sweepings from streets maintenance operations. The resulting soil-like material is then used to landscape, or cap, finished landfill areas.

Wood chips are also used in the leaf and yard waste composting activities at the Brady Road Resource Management Facility.

Residents are reminded to properly secure their wood debris if taking it to the 4R Winnipeg Depots, Brady Road Resource Management Facility, and the Summit Road Landfill, and to always obey the provincial Highway Traffic Act.

For more information on what residents should do with the debris from fallen trees and branches, see: winnipeg.ca/stormresponse.

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