Update on gas leak in the 3000 block of Portage Avenue

Released: July 9, 2019 at 1:04 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB – At 10:19 a.m. the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service responded to an automatic alarm indicating carbon monoxide gas in a hotel in the 3700 block of Portage Avenue. Once on scene, crews detected carbon monoxide of various levels, up to 385 parts per million, throughout the building.

Crews worked to evacuate the building. So far, crews have transported 46 patients to hospitals in varying conditions. At least 15 were transported in critical condition and five in unstable condition. The WFPS worked closely with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority and Shared Health to determine patient distribution to hospitals across the city.

In total 52 individuals and one dog were in the hotel at the time of the alarm. Winnipeg Animal Services attended to provide care for the dog.

Manitoba Hydro has shut off gas to the building and is working to determine the cause.

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