Get ready to set sail on the new play structure in Harbourview Park

Released: June 27, 2019 at 10:30 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB - Members of the community welcomed a new play structure in Harbourview Park at a grand opening event today.

The new play structure, which replaces the former play structure that was destroyed by arson in 2017, was designed to include nautical and natural water's edge features to compliment the park's water-side character. Favourite play features such as a ship and swings have been reimagined and designed with a stylized dock, to encourage active and inventive style of play for children of all ages and abilities.

"The transformation of Harbourview Park demonstrates an understanding of local needs and aspirations keeping play at the centre of community services," said Councillor Sherri Rollins, Chairperson of the Standing Policy Committee on Protection, Community Services and Parks. "I am delighted that Harbourview Park has a significant investment for children and I hope they enjoy it this summer and for years to come."

"Harbourview at Kilcona Park is the northeast quadrant's regional park," explained Councillor Jeff Browaty, North Kildonan. "This major new play structure will be enjoyed by families from throughout the city. It is located on a well shaded site, complimented by newly planted trees, and a picnic and BBQ area by the new horse shoe pits. While these are great improvements today, there are even more exciting improvements to come in future years pending the funding of the Council-adopted Kilcona Park-Harbourview Recreation Complex Strategic Renewal and Action Plan."

"The restoration of this playground is an important return to our area community," said Councillor Shawn Nason, Transcona. "Many family memories have been made over the years at Harbourview Park, and I am hopeful that many more will come as Winnipeg works to renew this wonderful regional park in the future."

$350,000 was allocated through the City's insurance reserve fund and the Public Works capital budget to design and install a new updated play area.

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