Winnipeg's Indigenous Accord welcomes additional partners

Released: June 18, 2019 at 10 p.m.
Commitment to Winnipeg’s Journey of Reconciliation grows stronger

Winnipeg, MB – Today, over 20 additional local organizations, businesses, groups, and individuals joined the City and the other 119 signatories in their commitment to the ongoing Journey of Reconciliation in Winnipeg by formally becoming partners of Winnipeg’s Indigenous Accord at the third annual signing ceremony, bringing the total number of Accord partners to over 140 and demonstrating a strong community commitment to Winnipeg’s Journey of Reconciliation.

“Our city’s Indigenous Accord is an opportunity to share with each other the steps we are taking, as partners, to respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls to action,” said Mayor Brian Bowman. “I’m excited and encouraged by the amount of ongoing support for the Accord from across our community, and I want to thank all those individuals and organizations who are today joining us on our Journey of Reconciliation.”

The Accord guides our shared commitment to the Journey of Reconciliation, and is rooted in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) 94 Calls to Action and is guided by the commitments and principles contained in the Accord.

As a living document, the Accord is an ongoing responsibility accepted by signatories, who through becoming partners to the Accord agree to report the success of their commitment to reconciliation and their future goals on an annual basis.

Collaboration with other organizations and groups, across sectors, and with Indigenous organizations, governments, and individuals is essential to the ongoing Journey of Reconciliation in Winnipeg to make our city a better place to live based on mutual respect, equal opportunity, and hope.

The City accepts partner applications throughout the year. To view the Accord and submit your request to become a partner, please visit

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