REMINDER: Tomorrow is Election Day

Released: October 23, 2018 at 9 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB – The City of Winnipeg is reminding citizens that tomorrow is Election Day for the 2018 Municipal and School Boards Election. Eligible voters will have the opportunity to vote for Mayor, Councillors, School Trustees, and answer the question on the ballot: “Do you support the opening of Portage and Main to pedestrian crossings?”

Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Eligible voters are encouraged to check their voters notice for their Election Day voting location. If a voter has not received their notice, they are encouraged to visit to determine their designated voting location.

There are three ways for residents to determine their specific Election Day voting location:

All voters are reminded that they are required to bring valid identification that shows their name and current home address - such as a driver’s license - when they come to vote. In the absence of a driver's license or enhanced identification card, any two documents that together show the person's name and current home address will also be accepted.

Examples of acceptable documents include:

  • One piece of valid government issued photo ID with name and current home address (such as a Driver’s License or Enhanced Identification Card).


  • Two documents that together prove name and current home address, such as:
    Birth Certificate
    Canadian Citizenship card
    Canadian Passport
    Credit card
    Debit card/ATM card
    Indian Status card
    Band membership card
    Métis card
    Membership card
    Student card
    Social Insurance Number (S.I.N.) card
    Automobile Club card
    Personalized cheque
    Credit card statement
    Current valid contract
    Health insurance card (Manitoba Blue Cross; Manitoba Health Services Commission)
    Home insurance policy certificate
    Income Tax Assessment statement
    Old Age Pension/Security card
    Property Tax bill
    RRSP (retirement savings plan) or mutual fund statement
    Utility bill statement
    Vehicle registration/Autopac Statement

For more information visit or contact 311.

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