City begins construction on two cricket fields in La Barrière Park

Released: July 14, 2018 at 9 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB – The City of Winnipeg is constructing two cricket fields with concrete pitches in La Barrière Park. The additions are part of a larger plan that will see improvements to the site’s amenities.

“People from all over the world are moving to Winnipeg and many have a passion for playing cricket. It’s been an incredible experience and opportunity to have worked with community leaders Paramjit Shahi, Manoj Chaudhari, Shoib Khan and the Manitoba Cricket Association to make these two cricket fields become a reality,” said South Winnipeg - St. Norbert Councillor Janice Lukes. “We are constructing state-of-the-art cricket pitches that will provide cricket teams with a spectacular game and playing experience located in the historic La Barrière Park.”

New cricket pitches were identified as a priority by the Manitoba Cricket Association and community leaders. As one of the City of Winnipeg’s largest parks, La Barrière Park had suitable space for the pitches.

“Cricket is increasing in popularity in Winnipeg, with the number of players doubling in just the last two years,” said Garvin Budhoo, president of the Manitoba Cricket Association. “Having two more fields in the city will increase playing opportunities for teams, assist in athlete development and ensure Winnipeg is a destination for cricket tournaments.”

In addition to the cricket fields, current upgrades in the park will include a new fire pit, picnic tables and sod enhancements. Funding of $50,000 for the upgrades is through the 2018 Parks and Recreation Enhancement Program.

“La Barrière Park is a hidden gem and the arrival of the new cricket fields will be provide an excellent opportunity for people to explore nature and play a variety of sports in the park,” said Paramjit Shahi, a community leader. “The cricket fields and other site improvements will be welcomed additions to the location.”

The City is planning to build a new washroom on site. The City allocated $500,000 in the 2016 Public Works Department Capital Regional and Community Parks – Buildings Fund for its construction. The design for the building is complete and the City is currently pursuing options to construct the new facility.

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