City unveils Assiniboia Residential School Display

Released: June 4, 2018 at 1:30 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB – The City of Winnipeg unveiled a nine panel display about the Assiniboia Residential School to provide residents an opportunity to learn about a local Residential School, with a goal of renewed perspectives and understandings to strengthen relationships with Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in the community.

"Learning about a local Residential School can help provide citizens with greater understanding about Residential Schools and their impact," said Mayor Brian Bowman. "This display represents a great opportunity for citizens to learn about our past and help move reconciliation forward."

There were 17 Indian Residential Schools in Manitoba, including one location in Winnipeg known as the Assiniboia Indian Residential School. Federally funded and operated by the Grey Nuns and Oblate Fathers, the Assiniboia Indian Residential School was part of the Federal government’s educational system under the Indian Act. The school operated from 1958 until June 1973, and the school still stands today and now functions as the Canadian Centre for Child Protection, including Child Find Manitoba, located at 615 Academy Rd.

The City would like to acknowledge the survivors and graduates of Assiniboia Residential School and the Assiniboia Residential School Governing Council for all of their knowledge and for sharing their story.

The Assiniboia Residential School Display is available for viewing until the end of August on the main floor of the Susan A Thompson Building, located at 510 Main St. A second display will be located at the Millennium Library, 251 Donald St. throughout June and July.

For more information the City’s Indigenous initiatives, please visit City of Winnipeg - Indigenous Relations Division.

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