City crews begin annual grass mowing program to keep Winnipeg clean and green this summer

Released: May 18, 2018 at 11:55 a.m.
175 mowers used city-wide for grass cutting of over 2,489 hectares of green space

Winnipeg, MB – Parks and Open Space crews will officially begin the City's annual grass mowing program on Tuesday, May 22 (weather dependent) to keep Winnipeg clean and green this summer.

Starting next week about 175 mowers will be out mowing boulevards, athletic fields, parks and other city owned green spaces. In total, over 2,489 hectares are mowed on a rotating basis with mowing cycles ranging from an average of 10 to 14 days, which equates to about eight to twelve mowing cycles during a season. For reference, one hectare is approximately the same size as a CFL football field.

In addition to spring cleanup activities so far this year, Parks and Open Space staff have been preparing the parks, lining the athletic fields for spring play, and completing garbage pick-up and 311 service requests. Some mowers have already started their operations in regional parks and community athletic fields, and as crews complete spring clean-up operations they are deployed to litter pick up and mowing.

Grass growth in Winnipeg has started to occur for the season and usually continues until mid-October. How quickly the grass grows this year will be determined by the weather we receive such as amount of rainfall and heat. Depending on the extent of the grass growth this year crews will work weekends as required.

Once dandelions have emerged in Winnipeg they will be cut down as part of the mowing program. Dandelions typically emerge for three to four weeks before going to seed.

Citizens are reminded to use caution and to stay back to stay safe when in the vicinity of mowing crews.

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