Brookside Cemetery tours commemorate the significance of Remembrance Day

Released: October 27, 2017 at 12:50 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB - Brookside Cemetery encourages members of the public to learn about the more than 10,000 War Dead and Veterans interred in its Field of Honour during the week prior to Remembrance Day by taking part in guided tours.

The Field of Honour is the burial place of War Dead, Veterans, Peacekeepers, Merchant Marines, and Military Service Men and Women from World Wars I and II, as well as the Korean War, and other wars and battles. The Field of Honour also contains some very significant Military monuments, including the only Commonwealth War Graves Commission ‘Stone of Remembrance’ in all of the Americas.

“Many people don’t realize the significance of Brookside Ceremony in terms of Manitoba’s war history,” said Jane Saxby, Cemeteries Administrator. “Remembrance Day is a day to remember, and we invite the public to join us for tours and to learn about our history.”

Brookside Cemetery is home to one of Canada's largest and most significant Military interment sites, with interments dating back to 1878. The cemetery's famous interments include Sergeant Tommy Prince, Manitoba’s most decorated Indigenous War Veteran, and Major Harry Colebourn, the First World War soldier who owned the bear cub that inspired Winnie the Pooh.

Field of Honour – General Public Tour
Date: November 5, 2017
Time: 11 a.m. (tour is approximately 3.5 hours)
Cost: Free. Advance registration is required. Please phone 204-986-4348 to register.

The tour is approximately 3.5 hours long and will feature a ‘Share the Story’ visit with Veterans. Bus transportation is included within the cemetery. At the end of the tour, a brief Service of Remembrance will be held at the Stone of Remembrance before cemetery visitors board the bus to return to their vehicles.

For more information, please visit City of Winnipeg – Cemeteries.

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