City unveils new pedestrian bridge in King's Park

Released: October 14, 2017 at 11 a.m.
New bridges will be a landmark for the community, universally accessible, more durable and easier to maintain

Winnipeg, MB - The replacement of two 30+ year old 15-metre long pedestrian wood bridges located at the King's Park pond is underway. The first bridge located on the north side of the pond has been installed and is open for public use. The second bridge located on the south side of the pond is expected to be installed and open in early November.

The bridge replacements are one of several capital improvements totaling about $2 million for King's Park which is a regional park. Other improvements include recent riverbank stabilization, asphalt paths, new park furniture such as benches, picnic tables and fire pits. As well, the waterfall feature will be reestablished for the 2018 season.

“I’m pleased we were able to replace these landmarks and make these wonderful improvements to King’s Park,” said South Winnipeg – St. Norbert Ward Councillor Janice Lukes. “The new bridges, paths, and park furniture will last for many years to come for the enjoyment of the local community and all visitors to the park.”

The new bridge structures are universally accessible as they are not as steep as the previous bridges. Constructed with an all-steel frame with a wood deck, the new bridges will be more durable and maintainable in the long run. The new steel bridge framework is expected to last for another 50+ years and the new wood decks are designed in such a way that they can be replaced when required.

The new bridges will also have a red arch accent to compliment the red Asian teahouse style pagoda located in the park, though the new bridges will not be painted until spring when weather and temperatures are more conducive. The cost for replacing the bridges is approx. $400,000 for design, construction and landscaping.

For more information about Winnipeg Parks, see City of Winnipeg - Parks and Open Space.

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