Remember to "Be Aware. Park with Care" during back to school

Released: August 31, 2017 at 9:20 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB – With the start of the school year, the Winnipeg Parking Authority (WPA) would like to remind motorists to “Be Aware. Park with Care” around schools.

“Illegally parked vehicles during school pick up and drop offs create serious safety hazards for children and cause traffic delays,” said Ryan Arabsky, manager of regulation and compliance with the WPA. “As kids start to head back to school, we encourage everyone to be aware and park with care for everyone’s safety with the added bonus of avoiding a ticket.”

In May 2017, the WPA began to exercise their right to mail out tickets for parking violations related to school zones and fire lines. Since May 1, over 1,800 tickets and warnings were mailed out for violations around schools such as stopping or parking in a no stopping or no parking zone, parking in the wrong direction or parking on a boulevard.

“We would prefer drivers would abide by all signage and rules of the road so the WPA would not have to issue any tickets,” added Arabsky. “Remember, these spaces are saved for something and someone more important than your convenience.”

In April 2017, the WPA launched its “Be Aware. Park with Care” campaign which aims to educate drivers about the parking rules around schools, fire lanes and designated spaces. More information is available at

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