Council Selection Panel Recommends First Integrity Commissioner for the City of Winnipeg

Released: February 10, 2017 at 2:16 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB - A three member selection panel of Council is recommending that Ms. Sherri Walsh be appointed as the first Integrity Commissioner for the City of Winnipeg.

“On behalf of the selection panel, I am pleased to recommend Ms. Walsh as the City of Winnipeg’s first Integrity Commissioner,” said Councillor Mike Pagtakhan who chaired the selection panel. ”The appointment of an Integrity Commissioner is long overdue and it’s great to be moving forward with a recommendation for Executive Policy Committee and ultimately Council’s consideration.”

The selection panel was chaired by Councillor Mike Pagtakhan and included Council Speaker Devi Sharma and Councillor Matt Allard.

A total of nine proposals were received and reviewed independently using the Materials Management Standard Scoring Matrix. Ms. Walsh of Hill Sokalski Walsh Olson LLP received the highest overall rating.

“I want to thank the work of the selection panel in bringing forward this recommendation,” said Mayor Brian Bowman. “Establishing an Office of the Integrity Commissioner and appointing the City’s first Integrity Commissioner is an important step in rebuilding and repairing trust at City Hall, and I am pleased a recommendation for appointment is coming forward for Council’s consideration later this month.”

Ms. Walsh was called to the Bar in 1986. She is a partner with the law firm Hill Sokalski Walsh Olson LLP, and is the Chief Adjudicator under The Human Rights Code (Manitoba) having been appointed to that position since it was created in 2012. Her practice covers civil litigation with an emphasis on human rights and constitutional law, Indigenous law, employment law, securities and insurance litigation, and administrative law.

From 2011 to 2013, she acted as Commission Counsel to The Honourable Ted Hughes when he presided over the Phoenix Sinclair Inquiry. She is frequently retained to conduct investigations for corporations and institutions involving respectful workplace issues. She participates in and conducts mediations and arbitrations and was recently selected to act as an Arbitrator under the Manitoba Framework Agreement for Treaty Land Entitlement.

An annual budget of $100,000 has been established to support the Office of the Integrity Commissioner. It is being recommended the Integrity Commissioner be provided a yearly retainer in the amount of $25,000.00, and that they also be provided hourly compensation of $200.00 per hour for their services. It is also being recommended that a compensation rate of $150 per hour be provided for the services of an associate, and $100 per hour be provided for the services of an articling student to support the office.

The term of the Integrity Commissioner’s contract will be two years with an option for renewal of up to an additional five, two year terms. If approved by Executive Policy Committee and Council, the Integrity Commissioner’s employment could start as early as April 1, 2017.

The Office of Integrity Commissioner will provide a transparent, accessible, and open process through which Councillors and members of the public may report or receive information on perceived conflicts of interest by a sitting member of Council. Several municipalities in Canada have implemented similar commissioners and offices.

The Integrity Commissioner will report directly to Council, and will be required to publish an annual report of their activities.

The City of Winnipeg Charter Act currently does not specifically provide investigative authority nor identify appropriate penalties for breaching relevant policy, by-laws, or acts. As such, changes continue to be recommended to The City of Winnipeg Charter in order to specifically grant the integrity commissioner investigative powers, and identify appropriate penalties.

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