New St. Vital pathway named after prominent member of theMétis community

Released: October 15, 2016 at 11 a.m.
Sentier Gabriel Dufault Pathway connects John Bruce Park to the historic Riel family mill site

Winnipeg, MB - Today, City Councillor Brian Mayes (St. Vital) opened Sentier Gabriel Dufault Pathway, which leads from John Bruce Park to an observation area with a view over the historic Riel family mill site.

The pathway is named in honour of the late French and Métis advocate Gabriel Dufault whose greatest passion was his work with the Métis community.

“Sentier Gabriel Dufault Pathway is a symbol of the rich Métis and Francophone culture that exists in Winnipeg,” said Councillor Mayes. “It provides an opportunity for citizens to experience the history of the area and I am proud to have been a part of its creation.”

Sentier Gabriel Dufault Pathway was constructed through a $100,000 capital investment by the City of Winnipeg.

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