New three-season washroom opens at St. Vital Park

Released: October 5, 2016 at 10:30 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB - Visitors to St. Vital Park can now enjoy a new three-season washroom amenity, City Councillor Brian Mayes (St. Vital) announced this morning.

“St. Vital Park is a neighbourhood gem that invites residents to enjoy nature, get active, and visit with family and friends,” said Councillor Mayes. “The new three-season washroom facilities feature a creative and aesthetically-pleasing design that will also provide a much-needed service to park users.”

Situated between the playground and the summer picnic shelter where the old building was located, the new building repurposes a 48-foot long shipping container as a park washroom. The facility is well-lit and meets modern accessibility standards. The new washroom replaces the old mid-sixties cinderblock washroom building that had reached the end of its serviceable life. The $300,000 capital project was designed by Peter Sampson Architectural Studio, who also designed the repurposed shipping container public washrooms in Assiniboine Park and at the St. Norbert Farmer’s Market.

In the last five years, St. Vital Park has seen a premier-sized soccer pitch with irrigation installed, a rebuilt boat launch with new floating docks, and a new glass-fronted Pavilion built by the duck pond with an outdoor fire chimney plaza. St. Vital Park also offers a number of winter fun activities, including tobogganing and ice skating. For more information on St. Vital Park, please visit City of Winnipeg - St. Vital Park.

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