Portage and Main stairway will remain closed for repairs until October

Released: August 10, 2016 at 9 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB - The public is advised that the stairway that leads from the exterior street level courtyard in front of 201 Portage Avenue into the concourse will remain closed until mid-October to accommodate asbestos abatement, in addition to water infiltration repairs.

Access to the concourse may be gained through entry into 201 Portage Avenue and taking the escalators in the front lobby down to the concourse area.

Alternatively, Portage Avenue may be crossed at the pedestrian crosswalk 200 feet west of 201 Portage Avenue, at Notre Dame Avenue.

The City would like to thank citizens and patrons in the Portage and Main area for their continued cooperation and patience during stairway maintenance. The stairway and landing is scheduled to reopen in mid-October.

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