Louise Bridge to be completely closed for maintenance from July 16 to 24

Released: July 14, 2016 at 10:22 a.m.
Motorists should use alternate routes such as Provencher Bridge or Disraeli Bridges

Winnipeg, MB - The Louise Bridge will be completely closed to traffic from Nairn Avenue to Sutherland Avenue, starting at 6:00 a.m. Saturday, July 16 and reopening at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 24. The bridge closure is for general bridge maintenance including concrete deck repairs, expansion joint repairs and asphalt resurfacing.

Pedestrian access to the west sidewalk will be maintained.

Access to the Buchanan Marine Boat Launch will also be maintained.

Motorists should use alternate routes such as the Provencher Bridge or Disraeli Bridges while maintenance work is underway.

For Transit re-route and schedule information, visit winnipegtransit.com or contact 311, available 24 hours every day by phone at 311 or by email at .

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