City of Winnipeg releases Communications Function Review Report

Released: February 26, 2016 at 12:37 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB - Today, the City of Winnipeg released the City of Winnipeg Communications Function Review: Final Report.

In 2014, Argyle Public Relations was retained by the City of Winnipeg to provide a comprehensive review of the City's communications function. The review was extensive and included consultations with the Mayor, members of Council, City executives and key staff members. It also included discussions with the Communications Review Steering Committee and staff in the Corporate Communications division. The public, City staff and members of the media were asked to complete an online survey, allowing them to provide their feedback on communications at the City of Winnipeg.

The final report recommends a number of changes be made within the Corporate Communications division, including providing more communications support for elected officials, enhancing the City's online and social media presence, and developing detailed brand guidelines for all public-facing materials. To help provide enhanced communications services to internal departments, elected officials and the public, the report recommends expanding the number of employees in the Corporate Communications division.

A number of other recommendations from the report have already been implemented including making the head of communications a Director who reports to the Chief Administrative Officer, expanding the Open Data portal and implementing regular internal media monitoring.

The final report can be accessed here: 2016CityofWinnipegCommunicationsFunctionReview-FINAL.pdf.

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