Winnipeg Transit to return to full Fall service schedule

Released: December 3, 2015 at 12:15 p.m.
Service restoration thanks to effective repair plan and new maintenance initiatives

Winnipeg, MB - Beginning Tuesday, December 8, Winnipeg Transit will return to its full Fall service schedule restoring all previously reduced service levels that had resulted from mechanical issues with emissions control systems.

Transit will continue to closely monitor the performance of their revised maintenance program on an ongoing basis.

A backlog of general maintenance repairs, as well as an unexpected spike in mechanical issues in September resulted in fewer buses being available for Transit’s heavier fall schedule. The spike in mechanical issues was linked to a problem with the emission control systems affecting some buses in the Transit fleet.

An effective repair plan has been established with Cummins Engine Corp. that includes additional manpower and shop resources from Cummins. The repair plan and other Transit maintenance initiatives have successfully reduced the number of buses out of service from 109 buses on September 8, to 57 buses on December 3.

In addition to the repair plan, Cummins Engine Corp. has changed their preventative maintenance schedules which now specify the periodic replacement of the major emissions components, and more frequent oil changes to achieve acceptable bus reliability.

Transit will also continue to expand the size of its bus fleet with new buses purchased under the 2014 Transit Buses Capital Project, and by deferring the retirement of existing units as much as possible to provide additional spare units.

Winnipeg Transit recognizes that the revised Fall schedule has been a significant inconvenience to riders, and has appreciated their patience.

The restored fall schedule will be available at and all other Transit Tools (Navigo, BUStxt, BUSguide, TeleBUS) at 8:00 p.m. Monday, December 7.

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