City of Winnipeg invites feedback on budget priorities and preferences

Released: November 30, 2015 at 11:47 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB - The City of Winnipeg will once again be conducting budget consultations to help shape the direction of the 2016 City Budget.

“I encourage all Winnipegger’s to take this opportunity to provide feedback on their priorities and preferences for this year’s budget,” said Mayor Brian Bowman. “The feedback provided through this process will help guide the preparation of this year’s budget, and will also provide insights into how to strengthen budget consultations moving forward.”

This year’s consultation process will focus on understanding Winnipeggers priorities and preferences as they relate to City of Winnipeg spending. This process was designed to be a first step in a new way of working together with the public, and will also gather input and feedback on how to build and enhance future budget consultation processes.

The project will commence today Monday, November 30 and end Friday, December 18. There will be multiple opportunities to participate including online at Through various online tools, the public will be able to examine areas where the City of Winnipeg currently spends taxpayer dollars, and then provide feedback on their priorities and preferences. Additionally, electronic kiosks will be available in public facilities to allow those without access to a computer to participate, and Let’s Talk team members will be visiting locations around Winnipeg to solicit feedback in person.

The consultation process is being managed by Dialogue Partners. Feedback gathered through the consultation process will be shared with all members of City Council and the public to help direct and guide the development of this year’s budget.

To view opportunities to get involved, and to receive regular updates and information on the consultation process, please visit

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