Released: August 21, 2015 at 3:10 p.m.
Two Day Event Nearly at Capacity; Waiting Lists Imminent

Winnipeg, MB - In just over 72 hours, individuals and organizations have shown an overwhelming interest in combating racism by rushing to obtain passes to the inaugural ONE: The Mayor's National Summit on Racial Inclusion to be held September 17-18 in Winnipeg.

Though both days are almost at capacity, organizers from the City of Winnipeg and Canadian Museum for Human Rights have set aside additional passes for those needing financial assistance. As well, every effort will be made to accommodate as many people as possible from the waiting lists, which could begin as soon as late this afternoon.

When registration opened on Tuesday, passes were made available, through sponsors, to those who required financial assistance. In setting aside additional seats today, organizers will ensure that the opportunity exists for participation by all, regardless of ability to pay.

�Our community has truly come together in their willingness to demonstrate that we are prepared to play a leadership role in addressing an issue of such great importance in Manitoba and across our nation,� said Mayor Brian Bowman.

Before the ONE Summit is fully booked, he encouraged anyone interested in attending to head to this afternoon.

Total capacity on Thursday, September 17 is set at 450 while attendance on Friday, September 18 is capped at 350.

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