Mayor Marks Holocaust Memorial Day

Released: April 28, 2014 at 12:33 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB - Mayor Sam Katz today delivered a message at the Holocaust Memorial Day ceremony, held annually at the Legislative Grounds.

"Each year, we attend the Yom Hashoah ceremony to honour the victims of the Nazi Holocaust. By gathering here today, with words, songs and acts of remembrance, we help to ensure that the world continues to give witness to the tragedy," he said.

Mayor Katz said although we can never comprehend how the Holocaust occurred, with millions targeted and killed, we must still take heed of the tragedy today.

"We can remind our children that small acts of prejudice and racism gone unremarked can spiral into systemic hatred and violence. We can ensure that our collective memory continues with the next generation, by educating our children about one of the most important events in history. We can ensure that our young people are "torchbearers" of memory, by sharing the testimonials of those who fell victim to the persecution. We can ensure that this memory is connected with action, by teaching our children how to object to behaviour that is demeaning," he said.

Flags at City Hall are flying at half-mast today in commemoration of Holocaust Memorial Day.

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