Public invited to open house to discuss pedestrian and cycling strategies

Released: April 3, 2014 at 12:25 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB - What will the future of walking and cycling look like in Winnipeg? The public is invited to participate in an open house to review draft recommendations that will shape the future of walking and cycling in Winnipeg.

Over the last several months, the City has been developing strategies that will help guide transportation choices in Winnipeg.

With the completion of a city-wide telephone survey and a voluntary online survey, the City has received valuable input from over 2,200 Winnipeggers to help identify the walking and cycling needs and wants for citizens. A targeted stakeholder workshop with representation from the education, tourism, development, health, environment, accessibility, and business communities, as well as inner city and suburban organizations, and new Canadians, has also been completed.

Through the upcoming open houses, draft recommendations will be shared that will build upon investments already made in active transportation over the past several years:

  • $80 million dollars invested in pedestrian and cycling facilities in Winnipeg since 2008.
  • Cycling network has more than doubled from 175 km in 2006 to 392 km in 2012.
  • Cycling has increased by 40%, and is the fastest growing transportation choice in the city. Winnipeg’s growth in cycling is second only to Toronto in Canada.

“What we have heard through the engagement process to date is that improving sidewalks and connections for pedestrians, and completing the development of a sustainable and well-connected bicycle network, are at the top of the average citizen’s priorities when asked about active transportation,” said Kevin Nixon, the City’s Active Transportation Coordinator. “We are very happy with the progress to date and look forward to the upcoming open houses.”

A public open house will be held on Saturday, April 12, 2014 between 11am and 4pm at the Manitoba Theatre for Young People located at 2 Forks Market Road. The team will present the draft city-wide bicycle and pedestrian network as well as draft recommendations for new City policies related to active transportation.

Additional open houses will be held on Tuesday, April 15, 2014 between 3pm and 8pm at the Sinclair Park Community Centre located at 490 Sinclair Street and at the Manitoba Hydro Place Atrium located at 360 Portage Avenue for those unable to attend the Saturday open house.

The public can continue to participate in this project in the following ways:

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