Public invited to a public meeting to comment on the future of biosolids

Released: January 9, 2014 at 12:19 p.m.
Building a cost-effective, sustainable master plan for Winnipeg's biosolids

Winnipeg, MB - The public is invited to a meeting to comment on the potential options for managing biosolids, the nutrient-rich, organic, solid by-product of sewage treatment. The City of Winnipeg must submit a Biosolids Master Plan to the province by October 2, 2014, outlining an environmentally sound and sustainable strategy to manage our community’s biosolids to 2037.

Two public meetings will take place at the Manitoba Children's Museum, 45 Forks Market Road.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

presentation at 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2014

9:00 - 11:00 a.m.

presentation at 9:30 a.m.

The meetings will include a 30 minute presentation, a question and answer period and an opportunity for residents and stakeholders to provide their feedback on six potential biosolids treatment options:

  • Land application - apply biosolids to land in either a liquid or cake form to condition the soil or to fertilize crops or other vegetation
  • Thermal oxidation/combustion and energy recovery - firing the biosolids at a high temperature, producing recoverable heat and energy, leaving only ash, which is suitable for beneficial reuse
  • Pelletization for soil conditioner - use heat drying technologies to produce pea-size pellets, which are suitable for beneficial reuse (e.g., fertilizer or biofuel)
  • Compost - mix biosolids with woodchips and air to make compost for use as a soil amendment
  • Land restoration/revitalization �"- apply biosolids to land to replace lost topsoil (e.g., landfill cover, large construction sites, surface strip mines, parks and road cuts, wetlands, wildlife habitat, conservation areas)
  • Landfill disposal - co-disposal of biosolids and municipal garbage in a landfill

“Our goal is to develop a plan that demonstrates our commitment to environmental stewardship and regulatory compliance,” said Geoff Patton, Manager of Engineering Services with the City’s Water and Waste Department. “One of the key steps in developing our Biosolids Master Plan is to consult with the public on the potential treatment options and incorporate this feedback into our final recommendations.”

More than 13,000 dry tonnes of biosolids are produced annually at Winnipeg’s three sewage treatment plants, and that number is expected to increase by 50 per cent by 2037. Since 1990, the City’s WinGRO land application program would deliver, spread and incorporate a portion of the biosolids to agricultural land at no cost to landowners. This land application program was discontinued in 2010 due to more stringent provincial nutrient regulations under the Water Protection Act as a result of concerns about nutrient overloading in Lake Winnipeg. Since January 2011, biosolids have been landfilled at the Brady Resource Management Facility (Brady Landfill).

In the meantime, the City has been moving forward on a plan to manage biosolids. The activities to date include:

  • Completion of a biosolids marketability study for the Winnipeg region.
  • Issued a Request for Information to understand private sector interest in biosolids reuse.
  • Proceeding with a two-year pilot program that is expected to begin composting 20 per cent of our biosolids this summer at a new $7 million complex at the Brady Resource Management Facility. Depending on the results of the pilot, the composting option could be a long term solution for dealing with a large portion of Winnipeg’s biosolids.
  • Subject to Council approval, including about $200 million in capital funding over the next 5 years for a new long term biosolids management program (includes engineering and construction costs).

An effective biosolids management program must address many diverse technical, regulatory, economic, social, and environmental challenges. Biosolids pose a management and end-use challenge to every community in the developed world. In Canada, production, transport, use (including beneficial use) and disposal of biosolids are regulated on a provincial/territorial basis. A variety of management options for biosolids are in use in Canada, and are established by local conditions, and the quality and quantity of the biosolids.

More details on the potential treatment options and the steps involved in developing the Biosolids Master Plan is on the City’s website at

Members of the public that are unable to attend a public meeting can provide their comments by Friday, January 24, 2014:

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