City of Winnipeg issues RFQ for Budget Consultations

Released: December 19, 2013 at 11:04 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB - To ensure the public, interested stakeholders and City Councillors have ample opportunity to take part in the 2015 budget consultation process, the City of Winnipeg is starting the process now, nearly a year in advance of a new budget being tabled.

A nationwide Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is being issued today to identify qualified and experienced candidates to plan and conduct budget consultations for the City of Winnipeg’s 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets.

“This is a great opportunity for all Winnipeggers to have their say in the budget process,” said Mayor Sam Katz. “By getting this process underway now, well in advance of the 2015 budget, people will have time to get involved, voice their opinions and share their vision for the City with us.”

As part of the RFQ process, proponents must demonstrate their competency and experience in engaging the public, using a variety of methods.

This consultation will be the City of Winnipeg’s second comprehensive budget consultation process. This time, Winnipeggers will have the opportunity to shape the consultation, as the successful proponent will be required to seek input from citizens and City Councillors on what the consultation should look like and how the City of Winnipeg can best engage them.

“We want to hear from the public, interested stakeholders and City Councillors about how they want to participate, in addition to better understanding their budget priorities,” said Councillor Russ Wyatt, Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Finance. “I encourage all Winnipeggers to participate in this process. Citizen input will allow us to provide valuable information to the next City Council as they make decisions related to the 2015 budget.”

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