�Welcome to Fort Garry� sign officially unveiled

Released: December 13, 2013 at 11:18 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB - In celebration of an area of Winnipeg that began with the expansion of the Metis settlements on the east side of the Red River, a new gateway to Fort Garry was unveiled today commemorating the 100th anniversary of the area in 2012.

The illuminated limestone and concrete “Welcome to Fort Garry” sign, located on the Pembina Highway centre median between Calrossie Boulevard and Byng Place, is a gift to the City of Winnipeg from the Fort Garry Historical Society.

The sign was funded with private donations secured by the Fort Garry Historical Society. Winnipeg Mayor Sam Katz and the three area Councillors - Jenny Gerbasi (Fort Rouge - East Fort Garry), John Orlikow (River Heights - Fort Garry) and Justin Swandel (St. Norbert) have all contributed to the sign and were there to participate in the unveiling.

“The Fort Garry Historical Society has done a tremendous job of preserving the history of this area,” said Mayor Katz, who contributed $7,500 towards this project. “This welcome sign is a wonderful gift to the community and celebrates Fort Garry’s importance to our city, past and present.”

Councillors Gerbasi, Orlikow and Swandel each contributed $10,000 towards the sign.

“It has been a great honour to have worked with the Fort Garry Historical Society and members of the community to see this beautiful sign come to life, welcoming all of those who enter this great area that is home to so many,” said Councillor Gerbasi.

“Fort Garry has great significance to the history and development of Winnipeg,” said Councillor Orlikow. “The Fort Garry Historical Society’s new welcome sign marks that history while providing a welcome to what is now a modern, vibrant neighborhood. The Society is to be commended on a wonderful contribution to the community.”

“It’s great for Winnipeg to see the excellent work that historical societies are doing to showcase Winnipeg’s rich history,” said Councillor Swandel. “The new sign is the perfect way to welcome motorists, pedestrians and cyclists as they make their way down Pembina into the historical St. Norbert area.”

The Fort Garry Historical Society was formed in 1971 to preserve, protect and promote the history of Fort Garry. The Society has published several books of stories about the area and assists with interpretive activities and special events at St. Norbert Provincial Heritage Park during the summer.

“We are extremely grateful for the support and contributions by the Mayor and these councillors to help us showcase the entrance to an area of this city that is so rich in history and that we have been working hard to preserve since our inception,” said Norm Magnusson, President of the Fort Garry Historical Society.

The City has worked with the Fort Garry Historical Society on its installation and is participating with local community members and business in fund raising for the signage. The marker is one of those celebrations of entry into one of Winnipeg’s many historical neighbourhoods.

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