Budget 2014: Improvements to athletic fields

Released: November 26, 2013 at 11:02 a.m.
$1 million investment to be made in outdoor sports facilities

Winnipeg, MB - Winnipeggers who play outdoor sports can look forward to seeing major improvements in some city athletic fields in 2014.

The City of Winnipeg’s 2014 Preliminary Budget calls for an $800,000 increase in funding to improve athletic fields, from an annual budget of $200,000 to $1 million.

“City-owned fields provide recreation opportunities for thousands of people each year,” said Mayor Sam Katz. “Winnipeggers depend on these fields for recreation and organized sport and we want to make sure that when people arrive at the soccer pitch, a ball diamond or the ultimate field, our athletic fields are usable and safe.”

Art McOuat Memorial Park, located in St. Boniface, has been identified as a priority project for 2014. The mixed-use site will see $600,000 worth of improvements, including re-grading, crowning, and re-sodding to accommodate the installation of two full-sized playing pitches.

“This is great news for those who use this field and I am pleased to see that these much needed upgrades will be taking place that will benefit not only the citizens of St. Boniface, but users visiting from other areas,” said St. Boniface Councillor Dan Vandal.

Elsewhere in the city, athletic fields will see upgrades and repairs to grass surfaces and equipment, such as goal posts, back stops, and players’ benches.

Last year, when the City of Winnipeg raised athletic field fees, sports associations provided feedback that some city fields were in need of significant upgrades. This year, the City of Winnipeg is responding with a fivefold increase in spending on these fields, showing our commitment to provide a positive experience to recreational players and teams.

This funding proposal will be tabled at a meeting of the Executive Policy Committee on November 29, and is subject to approval by City Council on December 17, 2013.

The 2014 Budget builds onthe City’s long-term plan to improve the quality of life for all of our citizens by renewing our infrastructure, focusing on core services, and building communities through parks and recreation. Investing in citizens’ priorities ensures that Winnipeg continues to be a great place to live, work and play, now and in the future.

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