Municipal Leaders and AMM United Against Budget

Released: April 25, 2013 at 11:29 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB - A coalition of Manitoba mayors and the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) spoke as one today, rejecting a provincial budget that fails to provide a dedicated source of funding for municipal infrastructure.

“Our citizens are looking for long-term solutions, not patchwork fixes,” said Winnipeg Mayor Sam Katz. “Manitoba communities require a stable, long-term infrastructure funding solution. All across Manitoba, people pay taxes with an expectation they will be able to drive on well-maintained streets and roads, but this budget will not help.”

The mayors and the AMM have sent a letter to Premier Selinger, repeating the call for his government to dedicate one per cent of existing PST, over and above what municipalities already receive, to municipal infrastructure. This revenue would be shared among the municipalities on a per capita basis.

“This Premier has repeatedly told us there is no new money and that they were not elected to raise taxes,” said AMM President Doug Dobrowolski. “Here we are today, taxes are increasing and there is an insignificant amount of new funding for municipalities.”

“Without a new source of revenue, maintaining, renewing and replacing municipal infrastructure is an impossible dream,” said Steinbach Mayor Chris Goertzen, Chair of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities Cities Caucus. “Crumbling infrastructure is only going to get worse.”

Municipalities will be hit hard by the provincial budget, as they will all pay more PST, money that will not be available for municipal infrastructure. In the City of Winnipeg’s case, additional PST will amount to an extra $1.4 million annually.

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