New Sports and Recreations Centre Will Offer New Opportunities for Families

Released: February 22, 2013 at 2:21 p.m.
Province and city contributions bring community's dream closer to reality

Winnipeg, MB - Families in the south end of Winnipeg are a major step closer to the community’s dream of a new sports and recreation centre to be built as part of the Jonathan Toews Community Centre in Dakota Park. Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Christine Melnick, Health Minister Theresa Oswald and Mayor Sam Katz were on hand to announce their combined funding contribution of just over $9.7 million to the new field house project today.

â�“Manitoba’s community centres have a key role in our communities,” said Melnick. “They are focal points for neighbourhood activities, attract more families and businesses to the area and create a stronger sense of community pride among residents. This exciting new project will be an added asset to our already vibrant community.”

“Active Winnipeggers have been asking for multi-use facilities like this one,” said Mayor Katz. “The city is pleased to contribute to a sports and recreation centre that will no doubt become a hub of activity in South Winnipeg. The court sports and fitness programming offered at the field house will be an excellent complement to the ice rinks at the Jonathan Toews Community Centre.”

The preliminary cost of the new 54,210 square foot multi-use sports hall, or field house, is estimated at up to $17.3 million (pending the final business plan and design). The province and city are contributing up to $9.7 million,with the province’s share at $5 million and the city’s share at $4.767 million towards the total construction costs, with other funding partners, including various sports associations and community groups, contributing the remaining funds.

“Keeping Manitobans fit and active is an ongoing provincial government priority,” said Oswald, “and we know this new recreation project is important to all the individuals and families in this neighbourhood. By expanding these facilities, we increase the fitness and activity choices for residents of all ages and help them improve their health and quality of life.”

The new field house will support a wide variety of recreational sports including volleyball, all-season baseball, basketball, aerobics, track and indoor soccer. It will also provide space for numerous fitness options for seniors. The new design will integrate with the existing building complex and will be capable of staging multi-court volleyball and basketball tournaments that can seat up to 1,500 spectators.â�

“As president, I’m very excited that both the province and the city are providing funding support for this important field house project,” said Barry Catt, president of Jonathan Toews Community Centre.â� “This facility is already well used by community members of all ages. With this addition, we can greatly expand the recreation options for everyone in this area.

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