TD presents $150,000 gift to support new expansion at Millennium Library in Winnipeg

Released: January 17, 2013 at 1:31 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB - Winnipeg Mayor Sam Katz and Paula Havixbeck, Councillor responsible for Sponsor Winnipeg, were joined today by John Emans, Vice President, TD Commercial Banking to announce TD’s support of the Sponsor Winnipeg Program.

As part of the program, TD generously presented a $150,000 gift to help support renovations of Millennium Library’s TD New and Noted area. The new open-concept space will allow patrons to take advantage of the library’s various collections and offer more room for leisure reading. In addition, there will now be direct access to the Millennium Library Park for all visitors to enjoy.

“I am thrilled to welcome TD to the Sponsor Winnipeg program,” said Mayor Katz. “We have a growing list of sponsors and I hope that once others take note of TD’s participation, they will be inspired to do the same.”

“Sponsorships, like this one by TD Bank, are a great way for companies and organizations to reach out to the community, especially at a time when we are looking for creative solutions to make our City dollars go further,” said Councillor Havixbeck.

“We are thrilled to support the Winnipeg Public Library as they launch a new project committed to expanding and revitalizing this building,” said John Emans, Vice President, TD Commercial Banking. “With new and improved access and services, this new space will benefit everyone in the community with opportunities to learn, discover, and enjoy for many years to come.”

Sponsor Winnipeg is a partnership program which provides public-spirited individuals, businesses, corporations, foundations and community groups with opportunities to sponsor a wide variety of City of Winnipeg assets and programs, in return for naming rights, legacy opportunities and other marketing benefits associated with sponsorship of City facilities and services.

This continuing program supports the City's commitment to deliver high quality services to the citizens of Winnipeg by generating new revenue sources.

Since the launch of Sponsor Winnipeg, the City has generated over $2 million to enhance civic programs and services.

TD Bank Group invests in communities in order to effect positive change in the places where it operates and where its clients and employees live and work. In 2012, TD donated over $65 million to support community organizations in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. In Canada, TD focuses on education and financial literacy, creating opportunities for young people and the environment. For further information, please visit

On January 23, 2013, Executive Policy Committee will consider an administrative report regarding this sponsorship initiative.

For more information about Sponsor Winnipeg, visit

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