Budget 2013: Local Street Renewal Reserve already making a new and real impact

Released: January 17, 2013 at 10:31 a.m.
New Local Street Renewal Reserve targets the City's neediest streets, back lanes and sidewalks; sets long term plan for the future

WINNIPEG, MB - The first-ever one per cent property tax increase for roads, proposed in the 2013 Preliminary Capital Budget, is already having an impact as additional streets, back lanes and sidewalks are being identified for repairs in 2013, including a block of Sutherland Avenue in the Mynarski Ward.

The 2013 Preliminary Capital Budget calls for $14 million of new investment in local streets. The local street renewal budget will increase from $21.65 million in 2012 to $35.86 million in 2013, an increase of 66 per cent.

"Streets like Sutherland Avenue can now be repaired in 2013 thanks to the Local Street Renewal Reserve," said Mayor Sam Katz. "We know Winnipeggers want to see improvements in city streets and this budget puts forward a long-term, sustainable plan to get the job done."

Implementation of the first year of the plan will equate to improving 10 more kilometres of two-lane streets and 20 kilometres of sidewalks in the city.

"This additional funding to fix our residential streets, back lanes and sidewalks is a big improvement over previous budgets," said Deputy Mayor Russ Wyatt, Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Finance. "We are committed to providing our residents with better infrastructure as part of this long-term strategic plan."

"For the first time in history, we have a sustainable, long-term plan for local street renewal," said Councillor Dan Vandal, Chair of Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works. "Fixing our streets is a huge priority for Winnipeggers."

Approximately 20 per cent of Winnipeg's local streets, along with 16 per cent of back lanes, are in poor condition and require major rehabilitation or reconstruction. Another 15 per cent of local streets are in fair condition and require preventative maintenance.

Due to the increased funds available, the Public Works Department will identify additional candidate streets, lanes and sidewalks based on its asset management approach; the same process that is already used annually to develop the Local Streets program. This process involves consultation with individual Councillors who have candidate projects identified in their respective wards, and that approach will be extended to this new program.

At a news conference today, Councillor Ross Eadie identified that Sutherland Avenue from Higgins Avenue to Stephens Street will be a new priority in 2013. "I appreciate I will have an increased budget for the streets in my ward most in need. Sections of Magnus Avenue and Leila Avenue have already been identified for 2013."

The 2013 Budget represents the first step in a long-term plan to improve the quality of life for all of our citizens. Investing in citizens' priorities ensures that Winnipeg continues to be a great place to live, work and play, now and in the future.

For more information on the 2013 Budget, please visit: winnipeg.ca/2013budget

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