New Leadership Team Announced

Released: November 1, 2012 at 9:43 a.m.

WINNIPEG, MB - Mayor Sam Katz today announced the membership of Executive Policy Committee, the committee that provides oversight for the work of City Hall.

"I am excited to work with all the members of this group, addressing the major issues facing the City of Winnipeg today: crime and public safety and infrastructure renewal, including roads, bridges, water and sewer systems and community facilities," said Mayor Sam Katz.

The committee will consist of the following seven members:

Councillor Jeff Browaty (North Kildonan) - Chair of Property and Development

Councillor Scott Fielding (St. James-Brooklands) - Chair of Protection and Community Services, Councillor responsible for Economic Partnerships

Councillor Paula Havixbeck (Charleswood-Tuxedo) - Acting Deputy Mayor, Councillor responsible for Assiniboine Park Governance, Councillor responsible for Corporate Sponsorship

Mayor Sam Katz - Chair of Executive Policy Committee, Secretary of Urban Aboriginal Opportunities

Councillor Mike Pagtakhan (Point Douglas) - Chair of Downtown Development, Heritage and Riverbank Management

Councillor Dan Vandal (St. Boniface) - Chair of Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works

Councillor Russ Wyatt (Transcona) - Deputy Mayor, Chair of Finance, Chair of Alternate Service Delivery, Chair of the Mayor's Environmental Advisory Committee, Councillor responsible for Assiniboine Park Governance

In addition to Standing Policy Committees, City Council has other committees and assignments. Responsibility for these is as follows:

Councillor Jenny Gerbasi (Fort Rouge-East Fort Garry) - Chair of the Winnipeg Housing Steering Committee

Councillor Grant Nordman (St. Charles) - Chair of the Mayor's Age-Friendly and Seniors Advisory Committee

Councillor Thomas Steen (Elmwood-East Kildonan) - Councillor responsible for Youth and Recreational Opportunities

The membership of all committees will be decided during the Nov. 7, 2012, organizational meeting of City Council.

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