Winnipeggers Generous in Hockey Equipment Drive

Released: October 29, 2012 at 10:13 a.m.

WINNIPEG, MB - Mayor Sam Katz today thanked Winnipeggers for their generosity in donating used hockey equipment in a city-wide hockey drive.

At an event at Pioneer Arena this morning, Mayor Katz presented KidSport (a program of Sport Manitoba), Winnipeg Minor Hockey and Hockey Manitoba with bags and bags of hockey equipment collected at city facilities over the past two weeks.

"I'd like to thank all the Winnipeg families and players who contributed equipment to this hockey drive," said Mayor Katz. "Thanks to our partners KidSport, Hockey Manitoba and Winnipeg Minor Hockey, I know that many young hockey players will be able to make immediate use of this gear."

"Hockey equipment is always in high demand," said Jeff Hnatiuk, President and CEO of Sport Manitoba. "We appreciate the support we've received from the City of Winnipeg in helping to give kids the opportunity to play and experience the positive benefits of sport."

Thomas Steen, a former Winnipeg Jet, and Councillor responsible for Youth and Recreational Opportunities in the City of Winnipeg, initiated the equipment drive along with Mayor Katz.

"The City of Winnipeg strongly supports the idea that every young person should be given the opportunity to play recreational sport," said Steen. "I'm thankful Winnipeggers are so willing to help others in their community."

Equipment was collected at City Hall and at 15 city-owned arenas from Oct. 15-28, 2012. Retail outlet Play it Again Sports supported the hockey drive with a donation of hockey and ringette sticks.

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