Osborne Bridge rehabilitation: progressing on-time, on-budget

Released: August 31, 2012 at 9:51 p.m.

WINNIPEG, MB - August 31, 2012 - The Osborne bridge rehabilitation project is progressing well and is nearing another milestone.

On Monday, September 3, 2012 southbound traffic will be re-routed to the west side of the bridge. At that time there will be two northbound lanes on the east side of the bridge and two southbound lanes on the west side of the bridge. Work will commence in the median portion of the bridge. The west sidewalk will remain closed and pedestrian traffic will be accommodated on the east sidewalk.

The Osborne Bridge renewal project is on-time and on-budget, and scheduled for completion in late October, 2012. The major infrastructure rehabilitation works underway are an investment by City Council that will extend the lifespan of the bridge by up to 75 years with routine maintenance and periodic renewal.

In 2012, the City of Winnipeg is investing $149.8 million on roads and bridges, in keeping with citizens' priorities.

For more information on the Osborne Bridge renewal project, please visit: winnipeg.ca/publicworks/MajorProjects/OsborneBridge/ or contact 311, open 24 hours every day, by phone at 311 or by email at 311@winnipeg.ca.

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