Winnipeg welcomes home our London 2012 Olympians

Released: August 14, 2012 at 1:55 p.m.
City grateful for commitment of positive role models

WINNIPEG, MB - August 14, 2012 - The City of Winnipeg joins citizens in recognizing and welcoming our athletes as they make their way back home from the London 2012 Olympics.

“I know I speak for all Winnipeggers in saying a huge ‘thank you’ to our athletes as members of a team that is bringing home 18 medals and has inspired many people,” said Mayor Sam Katz. “We now look to the Paralympics athletes with pride in their commitment as they prepare to compete for the top spots in their chosen sports.”

Winnipeg’s contingent from the Canadian Olympic Team included Clara Hughes (cycling), Janine Hanson (rowing - silver medal), Desiree Scott (soccer - bronze medal), Morgan Jarvis (rowing), Kevin Kowalyk (rowing), and Nicole Edwards Sifuentes (athletics).

The 2012 Summer Paralympics begin on August 29. Competing athletes with a Winnipeg connection include Rhea Schmidt (swimming), Colin Mathieson (athletics), Joey Johnson (wheelchair basketball), Meghan Montgomery (adaptive rowing) and Rob Cox (archery).

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