Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service encourages citizens to be mindful of fire hazards in the home

Released: January 13, 2012 at 9:38 a.m.
While the holiday season is coming to a close, the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service reminds citizens that fire safety is a year-long responsibility.

WINNIPEG - January 13, 2012 -
While the holiday season is coming to a close, the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service reminds citizens that fire safety is a year-long responsibility. Here are five of the most common home fire safety concerns:

  • Smoke Alarms: Smoke and heat build quickly, making every second count. A working smoke alarm can alert you to the danger. Install and maintain a smoke alarm on every level of your home and be sure to replace the battery every year.
  • Home Fire Escape Plan: Smoke and heat move fast. Adequate home fire escape plans help ensure everyone makes it out of the house safely. Plan two routes of escape from every room, and designate a meeting place outside the home. Remember: get out and stay out.
  • Child Fire Safety: Children need to be educated on fire safety from a very early age. In addition to keeping matches and lighters out of their reach, ensure you have working smoke alarms and a fire escape plan established. It is the caregiver's responsibility to ensure children know what to do in case of a fire.
  • Adult Fire Safety: Most house fires start in the kitchen, and are often caused by unattended cooking food and appliances. Do not wear loose clothing when cooking and keep towels and pot holders away from the range. Never use the range or oven to heat your home.
  • Careless Smoking: The number one cause of preventable home fire deaths is smoking. To avoid putting yourself, your family, and your home at risk, do not leave a burning cigarette, cigar or pipe unattended. If you begin to feel drowsy, put the object out immediately. Be sure to use deep ashtrays and never smoke in bed.
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