La sécurité et l’accessibilité hivernales sont améliorées grâce à un meilleur déneigement des trottoirs résidentiels

Police Media Release Notice

snow clearing machine on sidewalk
An off-season update to our Policy on Snow Clearing and Ice Control reduced the threshold for clearing residential sidewalks and other pathways from 8 cm to 5 cm of accumulation.

Winnipeggers who use residential sidewalks and other pathways to get around during snowy months are getting improved service this winter.

An off-season update to our Policy on Snow Clearing and Ice Control reduced the threshold for clearing these areas from 8 cm to 5 cm of accumulation.

The change brings residential sidewalks and pathways in-line with their busier counterparts. With the reduced threshold, crews will be at residential locations more frequently.

We hope it ultimately leads to smoother treks for many Winnipeggers.

"This should make walking, wheeling, and using mobility aids in residential areas easier and safer for more of the season,” said Michael Cantor, Manager of Street Maintenance.

An exception to this level of service is if we experience a few days in a row of heavy snowfall.

If lots of snow falls and starts to build up on busier sidewalks, crews may turn their attention back to the highest priority walkways first. They would then return to residential areas when time allows.  

“People who rely on sidewalks and pathways to move around, into, and out of residential areas will be better served starting this year,” said Cantor.

To be in the know on snow, visit:

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